Saturday, February 5, 2011


"All that needs to done for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing".

This kind of a deep topic for this site but here goes:

After watching this video (and movies like Schindler's List) I often wonder how people could have let this kind of thing happen. As we know, in WWII people of Jewish faith, and others thought less desirable by the German government, were killed by the millions. Although I'm sure that there were many acts of courage that we will never know about.

Now flash forward to another point in time when Christians are being killed in India, Egypt, Iraq, Africa, the Philippines (as well as others countries in the south pacific)...the list goes on.

That time is now/ in our world!

In this country the attack against Christianity is much less harsh but it is there none the less. I watch a lot of science shows that often refer to Jesus Christ as a legend or just a man (simply put they say even if he existed that he was just a piece of history or fable).

"Scientist" say they "know" with absolute certainty the earth and universe is 5 billion or 6.2 billion years old and that life formed out of water that they "know" was brought to this planet by comets. Most scientist mock religion as blind faith or belief without proof, when they themselves believe in things they can't prove (proof and theory are different guys).

There is a series of books by Isaac Asimov in which science has become the only religion in society (The Foundation... I think this was a warning from Azimov). I believe that scientist today don't realize that this is the same trap they have fallen into.

I have a friend who recently stated on their website that the number of young people going to church is rapidly decreasing. I feel that much of what is turning them away from the church is TV. Why believe and have faith that God created the universe when Phil Plait (of Bad Astronomy) can tell you he didn't.

Sorry for the soapbox but sometimes I need to rant.

The video below this will make you smile so be sure to watch it!