I am currently infected with a nasty strain of an Influenza pathogen. Although I seem to remember getting a flu shot not too long ago... what's up with that. So I am stuck in the house on what appears to be a great day outside. In short (so I believe) the CDC tries to pick three strains that may spread during the flu season and has companies produce as many doses as possible... oh, this has to be done at least six months in advance and sometimes a strain they didn't plan on sneaks through. As luck would have it that is probably the one I got.
So about the pictures... Mucinex D seems to work good clearing your chest congestion up and the Spam is just good nutrition. Plus, Spam taste even better when your sick (I think)! If they could only figure out a way to combine the two.
Where is the SCIFI connection to all this: 28 Days Later and I Am Legend were on TV last night... spooky... although I think The Stand would have been more appropriate. :)