Monday, October 3, 2011


This is sort of a life story.

I broke a glass in the kitchen and thought I got all the pieces up.
I was wrong! Last night during a midnight snack (or it could have been my 3 am snack) I stepped on the remaining sliver of glass. It went deep and was very small. So I went about my day (and you know what I have to do on my feet) but every step brought a staggering pain.  I couldn't see it but I knew it was there. So of course as a good and highly trained EMT I knew exactly what I should do... go see a doctor. Which meant of course as a good and highly trained EMT I didn't (it's called denial of symptoms, really big thing in heart attacks). Later that night, after many agonizing minutes, my wife got the little sliver of glass out with a needle. Foot feels better so I can run tomorrow.

My Point: it's amazing how something so small can effect your entire body.

Similarly on the soul front, a small sin which you think wouldn't have any effect on your conscious may end up stabbing you with guilt at every moment. Get it out... it may hurt at first but afterwords you'll feel better.